Grey Cast Iron Market Trends muna 2021, In-Depth Ongororo yeKukura kweIndasitiri uye Kufanotaura kusvika 2027.

[United States] [Los Angeles, United States], Kukadzi 2021 —Mushumo wekutsvagisa musika weGrey cast iron unosanganisira mapoinzi [Global Grey Cast Iron Market Size, Vagadziri, Supply Chain, Sales Channels and Customers, Tsvagiridzo muna 2021] -2027] musika Makambani anozivikanwa, uye nhoroondo dzekambani uye zvirongwa zvavakatora.Izvi zvinobatsira vatengi vegrey casting mishumo kuti vanzwisise zvakajeka mamiriro emakwikwi uye kuronga nzira yemusika yegrey castings zvinoenderana.Chikamu chakasiyana chinopiwa mumushumo, uyo une vatambi vakuru.Inopa kuongororwa kwakazara kwemutengo, gross value, mari (Mn), grey casting yakatarwa uye chimiro chekambani.Iyo grey iron casting research yakakamurwa nemhando yemodule, bvunzo mhando uye nzvimbo.
Pamusoro pezvo, iyo grey casting report inopawo mari yemusika zvichienderana nedunhu nenyika.Vanyori veshumo vanojekesawo nzira dzebhizinesi dzakafanana dzakatorwa nevatori vechikamu.Chirevo ichi chinosanganisira vatungamiriri vepasi rose grey cast iron musika uye yavo yakazara yega data.Pamusoro pezvo, mushumo uyu unounzawo mikana yazvino yekudyara, kurudziro uye mafambiro mumusika wepasi rose grey cast iron.Nerubatsiro rwemushumo uyu, vatambi vakuru mumusika wepasi rose grey cast iron vanozokwanisa kuita sarudzo dzine ruzivo uye kugadzira zvirongwa zvehungwaru zvinoenderana kuti vachengetedze chinzvimbo chavo chekutungamira.
Mamiriro emakwikwi chinhu chakakosha icho mutori wechikamu anokosha anofanira kujairana nacho.Chirevo chakajekesa makwikwi mumusika wepasi rose grey cast iron kuti unzwisise makwikwi kumba nekune dzimwe nyika.Nyanzvi dzemusika dzakafungawo zvinhu zvakakosha zvakaita sekushanda, kugadzira uye kusanganiswa kwechigadzirwa, zvichipa tarisiro yemumwe nemumwe wevatambi vakuru mumusika wepasirese grey cast iron.Pamusoro pezvo, makambani ari mushumo anodzidzwawo zvichibva pazvinhu zvakakosha senge saizi yekambani, mugove wemusika, kukura kwemusika, mari, kubuda, uye purofiti.
Vatambi vakuru vataurwa: Hitachi Metals, Grede Casting, Draxton, MAT Casting, Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting, FAW Casting Co., Ltd., Neenah Casting, Tianjin Xinwei Third Industry, Huaxiang Group, Metal Technology Co., Ltd., INAT. Precision, Meade Group, Farinia Group, Rochester Metal Products Company, Kutnor, Denizil, Wellman Industries, Aarrowcast, Inc.
Chikamu chemusika nekushandisa: zvekurima zvemotokari, kuvaka uye migodhi michina nemidziyo, simba remanisipala, zvimwe
Iyo grey iron castings musika shumo yakarongedzerwa zvichienderana nemhando dzakasiyana, semhando yechigadzirwa, application, yekupedzisira mushandisi uye dunhu.Chikamu chega chega chemusika chinoongororwa pahwaro hweCAGR, mugove uye kukura kunogona.Mukuongorora kwedunhu, chirevo chinotarisa dunhu rinotarisirwa, iro rinofungidzirwa kugadzira mikana mumusika wepasi rose grey cast iron mumakore mashoma anotevera.Iyi ongororo yezvikamu zvechokwadi ichave chishandiso chinobatsira kune vaverengi, vanobatana uye vatori vechikamu pamusika kuti vanzwisise musika wepasi rose grey cast iron uye kugona kwayo kukura mumakore mashoma anotevera sechombo chakakwana.
1 Tsvagiridzo yakakura 1.1 Grey cast iron chigadzirwa 1.2 Musika nerudzi 1.2.1 Global grey casting musika kukura nerudzi 1.2.2 Vertical mold 1.2.3 Yakatwasuka mold 1.3 Musika nekushandisa 1.3.1 Kukura kwemusika wepasi rose grey cast iron. chikero chinobva pachiyero chekushandisa 1.3.2 Motokari 1.3.3 Zvekurima, kuvaka uye kuchera migodhi 1.3.4 Michini nemidziyo 1.3.5 Hutungamiri hweMadhorobha 1.3.6 Simba 1.3.7 Zvimwe 1.4 Zvinangwa zvekudzidza Makore 1.5 kufunga
2 Executive pfupiso 2.1 Global grey cast iron musika saizi yekufungidzira uye fungidziro 2.1.1 2016-2027 yepasi rose grey cast iron mari 2.1.2 2016-2027 yepasi rose grey cast iron yekutengesa vhoriyamu 2.2 Grey cast iron musika saizi nedunhu: kuenzanisa pakati 2021 na2027 2.3 Gray cast iron casting sales by region (2016-2027) 2.3.1 Global grey cast iron iron sales volume by region Musika weKugova neNharaunda (2016-2027) 2.4 Estimates yemusika wesimbi weGrey Cast uye Mafungidziro neNharaunda (2022-2027) 2.4.1 Global Grey Cast Iron Revenue neNharaunda: 2016-2021 2.4.2 By Global grey cast iron iron inofanotaura nenharaunda nenzvimbo (2022-2027)) 2.4.3 Global grey cast iron mari yemusika chikamu nedunhu (2016-2027)
3 Global grey cast iron castings nemugadziri 3.1 Global top grey cast iron vagadziri nekutengesa 3.2 Top grey cast iron vagadziri nemari 3.2.1 Global grey cast iron money by mugadziri (2016-2021) 3.2.2 Global grey cast iron mari inowanikwa nemugadziri (2016-2021) 3.3 Global grey cast iron mitengo nemugadziri (2016- 2021)) 3.4 Competition landscape 3. Vagadziri vakuru ve grey cast iron vakafukidzwa ne 3.4.1: Kurongwa nemari 3.4.2 Global grey cast iron market concentration (CR5 and HHI) and (2016-2021) 3.4.3 Global grey cast iron market kugoverwa nerudzi rwekambani (1st, 2nd uye 3rd) 3.5 Global grey cast iron kugadzira base kugovera, chigadzirwa mhando 3.5.1 Grey cast iron kugadzira Kugoverwa kwevagadziri' mabhesi ekugadzira, muzinda 3.5.2 Vagadziri grey cast iron chigadzirwa mhando 3. 5.3 Zuva apo munhu wenyika yosevagadziri vanopinda mumusika wegrey cast iron 3.6 Kubatanidzwa uye kutora kwevagadziri, zvirongwa zvekuwedzera
4 Company Profile 4.1 Hitachi Metals 4.1.1 Hitachi Metals Company Information 4.1.2 Tsanangudzo ye Hitachi Metals, Business Overview 4.1.3 Provision of Hitachi Metals Grey Cast Iron Products 4.1.4 - 2021)) 4.1.5 Hitachi Metal Ash Casting Revenue by Product 4.1.6 Hitachi Metal Ash Casting Revenue by Application 4.1.7 Hitachi Metal Ash Casting Revenue by Region 4.1.8 Hitachi Metal Ash by Sales Channel Kukanda mari 4.1.9 Hitachi Metals budiriro ichangoburwa ) 4.2.5 Grede Foundry grey cast iron income by product 4.2.6 Grede Foundry grey cast iron revenue by applicationmari yechiteshi cheiyo yakawanikwa 4.2.9 Kuvandudzwa kwazvino kweGrede foundry 4.3 Draxton 4.3.1 ruzivo rwekambani yeDraxton 4.3.2 Draxton tsananguro, bhizinesi rekutarisa 4.3.3 Draxton grey cast iron chigadzirwa kupihwa Gross Margin (2016-2021) 4.3.5 Draxton Gray Iron Casting Product Revenue 4.3.6 Draxton Grey Iron Casting Product Revenue 4.3.7 Draxton Grey Iron Casting Regional Distribution 4.3.8 Draxton Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Sales Channel 4.3.9. ) 4.4 .5 MAT kukanda mari yezvigadzirwa nekushandiswa 4.4.6 MAT kukanda mari yezvigadzirwa nekushandiswa 4.4.7 MAT inokanda mari yezvigadzirwa neGe geographic area 4.4.8 MAT foundry grey cast iron sales channel revenue 4.4.9 MAT foundry ichangoburwa 4.5 Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting 4.5.1 Weichai Power (Weifang) Foundry Company Information 4.5.2 Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting Product Description, Business Overview 4.5.3 Products Provided by Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting Grey Cast Iron Products 4.5.4 Kutengeswa, mari uye gross profit margin ye Weichai Power (Weifang) cast grey cast iron products (2016-2021) 4.5.5 Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting Grey Iron Casting Revenue by Product 4.5.6 Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting Gray Casting Revenue 4.5.7 Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting Gray Casting Revenue by Region 4.5.8 Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting Grey Iron by Sales Revenue Channels 4.5.9 Weichai Power (Weifang) Casting Recent Development 4.6 FAW Foundry Co., Ltd. 4.6.1 FAW Foundry Co., Ltd. Information Company 4.6.2 FAW Foundry Co ., Ltd. Tsanangudzo, ongororo yebhizinesi 4.6.3 ray Iron Castings zvigadzirwa zvakapihwa neFAW G Foundry 4.6.4 Faw Foundry Co., Ltd. Grey Iron Casting Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 4.6.5 Faw Foundry Co. ., Ltd. Grey Iron Castings Revenue by Product 4.6.6 Faw Foundry Co., Ltd. Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Application 4.6.7 Faw Foundry Co., Ltd. Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Region 4.6.8 Faw Foundry Co., Ltd. Kuvandudzwa Kwemazuva Ano 2021) 4.7.5 Neenah Foundry's grey cast iron product income 4.7.6 Neenah cast grey cast iron revenue by application 4.7.7 Neenah cast grey cast iron distribution by region 4.7.8 Neenah Casting Recent Development 4.8 Tianjin New Weisan Industry 4.8.1 Tianjin Xinweisan Industry Company Information 4.8.2 Tianjin Xinweisan Industry Product Tsanangudzo, Business Overview 4.8.3 Tianjin Industry Gray Xinweisa Cast Iron Products 4.8.4 Tianjin Xinweisan Industry Gray Cast Iron Sales , Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 4.8.5 Tianjin Xinwei No. 3 Industrial Grey Cast Iron Casting Revenue by Product 4.8.6 Tianjin Xinwei Cast No. 3 Industrial Gray Casting Iron Application Income 4.8.7 Tianjin Xinwei No. 3 Industrial Grey Cast Iron Geographical Region Revenue 4.8.8 Recent Development ye Tianjin Xinwei Third Industry 4.9 Huaxiang Group 4.9.1 Huaxiang Group Company Information 4.9.2 Huaxiang Group Tsanangudzo, Business Overview 4.9. Huaxiang Group Grey Cast Iron Product Sales 4.9.4 Huaxiang Group Grey Cast Iron Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 4.9.5 Huaxiang Group Gray Cast Iron Revenue by Product4.9.6 Huaxiang Group Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Application 4.9.7 Huaxiang Group Grey Cast Iron Revenue by region 4.9.8 Huaxiang Group ichangoburwa 4.10 Metal Technologies, Inc. Inc. tsananguro, ongororo yebhizinesi 4.10.3 Grey cast iron zvigadzirwa zvakapihwa neMetal Technologies, Inc. 4.10.4 Metal Technologies, Inc. Grey Cast Iron Product Revenue 4.10.6 Metal Technologies, Inc. Grey Cast Iron Product Revenue 4.10.7 Metal Technologies, Inc. Ruzivo rwekambani 4.11.2 INTAT Precision Tsanangudzo, Bhizinesi Overview 4.11.3 INTAT Precision Grey Cast Iron Zvigadzirwa 4.11.4 INTAT Precision Grey Cast Iron Casting Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 4.11 .5 INTAT Precision Grey Cast IronRevenue 4.11.6 INTAT Precision Grey Cast Iron Product Revenue 4.11.7 INTAT Precision Grey Cast Iron Product Revenue by Geographical Region 4.11.8 INTAT Precision Recent Development 4.12 Meide Group 4.12.1 Meide Group Company Information 4.12.2 Tsanangudzo yeMeide Group, Business Overview 4.12.3 Grey Cast Iron Products Yakapiwa neMeide Group 4.12.4 Grey Cast Iron Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin of Meide Group (2016-2021) 4.12.5 Grey Iron Casting Income yeMeide Group Zvigadzirwa 4.12.6 Grey iron casting revenue nekushandiswa kweMeide Group 4.12.7 Gray iron casting revenue nedunhu rega rega reMeide Group 4.12.8 Kuvandudzwa kwedata kwazvino kweMeide Group 4.13 Farinia Group 4.13.1 Farinia Group ruzivo rwekambani 4.13 .2 Farinia Group Tsanangudzo, bhizinesi rekuona 4.13.3 Gray cast iron zvigadzirwa zvakapihwa neFarinia Group 4.13.4 Farinia Group's grey cast iron sales, revenue and gross margin (2016-2021) 4.13 .5 Farinia Group grey cast iron product revenue 4.13. 6 Farinia Group Gray cast iron chigadzirwa chemarihester Metal Products tsananguro, ongororo yebhizinesi 4.14.3 Kupihwa kweGrey Cast Iron Zvigadzirwa zveRochester Metal Zvigadzirwa 4.14.4 Kutengeswa, Mari uye Gross Margin yeGrey Cast Iron Zvigadzirwa zveRochester Metal Products Rate (2016-2021) 4.14.5 Rochester Metal Products Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Product 4.14.6 Rochester Metal Products Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Application 4.14.7 Rochester Metal Products by Region Grey cast iron mari 4.14.8 Rochester Metal Products kuvandudzwa kwazvino 4.15 Kutno 4.15.1 Kutno company information 4.15.2 Kutno tsananguro, ongororo yebhizinesi 4.15.3 Kutno grey cast iron product sales 4.15.4 Kutno grey cast iron sales, mari uye gross Interest rate (2016-2021) 4.15.5 Kutno Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Product 4.15.6 Kutno Grey Cast Iron Revenue neKushandisa 5.7.5 Kutno Grey Cast Iron Revenue by Region 4.15.8 Kutno ichangobva kusimukira 4.16 Denizciler company information 4.16.2 Denizciler company information, business overview 4.16.3 Denizciler grey cast iron products provision 4.16.4 Denizciler grey cast iron sales, revenue and gross margin (2016-2021. Gra5 Deniz1) 4. simbi yechigadzirwa mari Industries grey cast iron products provision 4.17.4 Willman Industries grey cast iron sales, mari uye gross profit margin (2016-2021) 4.17.5 Willman Industries grey cast iron product product 4.17.6 Willman Industries grey cast iron products by application Kukanda mari 4.17 .7 Mari inopihwa neWillman Industries yegrey iron nedunhu 4.17.8 Sub-development yeWilman Industries 4.18 Aarrowcast, Inc. 4.18.1 Aarrowcast,Inc. Ruzivo rwekambani 4.18.2 Tsanangudzo yeAarrowcast, Inc. , Muono weBhizinesi 4.18.5 Aarrowcast, Inc. Gray Cast Iron Revenue by Product Aarrowcast, Inc.
5 Segmented data nerudzi 5.1 Global grey cast iron sales by type (2016-2027) 5.1.1 Global grey cast iron sales nemhando (2016-2021) 5.1.2 Global grey cast iron sales forecast by type (2022-2027) 5.1 .3 Global grey casting sales market share by type (2016-2027) 5.2 Global grey casting revenue forecast by type (2016-2027) 5.2.1 Global grey castings nemhando Casting revenue (2016-2021) 5.2.2 Global ash mari yekufungidzira nerudzi (2022-2027) 5.2.3 Global grey iron casting revenue market share by type (2016-2027) 5.3 Ash nemhando Avhareji yekutengesa mutengo wesimbi castings (ASP) (2016-2027)
6 Segmented data nekushandisa 6.1 Global grey cast iron sales by application (2016-2027) 6.1.1 Global grey cast iron sales by application (2016-2021) 6.1.2 Global grey cast iron sales forecast by application (2022-2027) 6.1 .3 Global grey casting sales market share by application (2016-2027) 6.2 Global grey casting revenue forecast by application (2016-2027) 6.2.1 Global grey casting by application Casting revenue (2016-2021) 6.2.2 Cast iron revenue forecast nekushandisa (2022-2027) 6.2.3 Global grey iron casting revenue market share by application (2016-2027) 6.3 Nekushandisa Avhareji yekutengesa mutengo wegrey iron castings (ASP) (2016-2027)
7 North America 7.1 North America grey cast iron musika chikero gore-pa-gore kukura 2016-2027 7.2 North America grey cast iron musika overview uye nyika/dunhu data 7.2.1 North America grey cast iron yekutengesa nyika (2016-2027) 7.2. 2 North America grey cast iron parts by country Revenue (2016-2027) 7.3 North America grey iron casting sales by type 7.4 North America grey iron casting sales by application
8 Asia-Pacific dunhu 8.1-20-20 Asia-Pacific grey cast iron musika chiyero chakawedzera gore-pa-gore 2016-2027) 8.2.2 Asia Pacific Gray Cast Iron Revenue by Region (2016-2027) 8.3 Asia Pacific Grey Cast Iron Sales by Type 8.4 Asia Pacific Grey Cast Iron Sales by Application
9 Europe 9.1 European grey cast iron market scale yakawedzera gore negore 2016-2027 9.2 European grey cast iron market overview uye nyika/regional data 9.2.1 European grey cast iron iron sales (2016-2027) 9.2.2 European grey cast nyika dzemari dzesimbi (2016- 2027) 9.3 European grey cast iron kutengesa nemhando 9.4 European grey cast iron kutengeswa nekushandisa
10 Latin America 10.1 Chiyero chemusika wegrey cast iron muLatin America chakawedzera gore-pa-gore 2016-2027 10.2 Musika wegrey cast iron muLatin America uye nyika/dunhu data 10.2.1 Nyika dzekutengesa simbi yegrey muLatin America (2016-2027) 10.2.2 Musika we grey cast iron muLatin America Mari yekukanda simbi nenyika (2016-2027) 10.3 Latin America grey cast iron sales nemhando 10.4 Latin America grey cast iron sales nekushandisa
11 Middle East ne Africa 11.1 Musika we grey cast iron kuMiddle East ne Africa wakakura gore negore 2016-2027 11.2 Musika we grey cast iron kuMiddle East ne Africa nenyika/matunhu Mufananidzo 11.2.1 Nyika / nharaunda yegrey cast iron inotengeswa kuMiddle East neAfrica (2016-2027) 11.2.2 Middle East neAfrica grey cast iron mari yenyika (2016-2027) 11.3 Middle East neAfrica grey cast iron sales nemhando 11.4 Middle East uye Africa grey cast iron sales application
12 Supply chain and sales channel analysis 12.1 Gray iron castings supply chain analysis 12.2 Gray iron castings main raw materials and upstream vatengesi 12.3 Gray iron castings kuongororwa kwevatengi 12.4 Gray iron castings yekutengesa machane uye kutengesa muenzaniso wekuongorora 12.4.1 Gray ironings yekuparadzira nzira Ongororo: Kutengesa zvisina kunanga VS kutengesa zvakananga 12.4.2 Gray cast iron castings distribution channel analysis: online sales VS offline sales 12.4.3 Gray cast iron casting distributors
13 Market Dynamics 13.1 Gray Cast Iron Market Driving Forces 13.2 Gray Cast Iron Musika Mikana 13.3 Grey Cast Iron Market Zvinetso 13.4 Grey Cast Iron Market Constraints 13.5 Porter's Five Forces Ongororo
15 Appendix 15.1 Nzira Yokutsvakurudza 15.1.1 Nzira/Nzira Yekutsvakurudza
QY Tsvagiridzo yakavambwa muna 2007, yakatarisana neyakagadziriswa tsvagiridzo, manejimendi kubvunza, IPO kubvunza, indasitiri cheni yekutsvaga, dhatabhesi uye masemina masevhisi.Iyo kambani ine hombe dhatabhesi rekutanga (senge National Bureau of Statistics dhatabhesi, yetsika kupinza uye kunze dhatabhesi, indasitiri yemubatanidzwa dhatabhesi, nezvimwewo), zviwanikwa zvehunyanzvi (kusanganisira mota dzemagetsi, makemikari ekurapa ICT vatengi zvigadzirwa, nezvimwewo).

Nguva yekutumira: Mar-01-2021